

Exciting gastronomy in a 17th century building

Our kitchen and patisserie are the heart of Sjöfartshuset. Here, we create culinary history and cook all our food from scratch with great passion, joy, and curiosity.

In the kitchen, we only use the best ingredients and strive for everything to be consciously sourced, sustainable, locally grown, and organic as much as possible.

We offer a number of well-composed menus in various price ranges, but are always open to ideas for dinners or themes. In consultation with the head chef, we have, among other things, hosted truffle guest appearances, 'dining in the dark,' 70s and 80s dinners, Italian guest appearances, specially crafted winemaker menus, seven-course menus, and much more.


Contact us

Our menus below can be booked for a minimum of 15 people. If you are fewer, we offer the menu of the month which you can find under current on the homepage or a menu as per the chef's recommendation.

Our chef, along with the amazing kitchen team, also customizes snacks, menus, and setups to suit your special occasion.

Contact us for a quote and feel free to schedule a meeting and tour of the house. Welcome with your inquiry.

(Variations in the menu may occur depending on weather and availability of ingredients during the current seasons.)


Disputation dinner

PRICE: 1125 SEK/person incl. VAT
The offer is valid on Fridays


(Fish or vegetarian options are of course available)
Ingredients may vary depending on weather, availability, and season.
We reserve the right to change prices.

  • Welcome drink in the lounges

    1 glass of Cava

  • Mosaic of Swedish rainbow trout

    Kohlrabi - Leek - Dill - Horseradish - Buttermilk

  • Venison tenderloin

    Jerusalem artichoke - Borettal onion - Wild pepper - Fermented sea buckthorn - Grilled deer jus

  • Bourbon glass

    Lingon – Sponge cake – Fudge – Spruce shoots – Meringue – Farm cream

  • Beverage

    1 glass of wine for starter
    1 glass of wine for main course

  • Coffee / Tea

    in the lounges

Current menus

3-5 course menus

The menus are designed for up to 60 guests, if you are more, minor adjustments can be made in consultation with you. The ingredients may change depending on weather, availability, and season. We reserve the right to make any price changes.

Our Snacks

  • 95:-/st (85:-)
    Poached Oysters

    Pickled cream – Horseradish – Dill – Green apple

  • 110:-/st (98:-)

    Petit choux – Aged cheese – Grated egg yolk – Pickled onion – Chives

  • 95:-/st (85:-)
    Truffle toast

    Pata negra - Caramelized onion - Gruyère

  • 95:-/st (85:-)
    Petit choux

    Winter truffle – Hazelnuts – Old crisp – Crispy onion

  • 165:-/st (147:-)
    Stör Caviar (Husa gold 8gr. )

    Sturgeon Caviar – Sour cream – Pickled shallots – Chives

  • 35:-/p (31:-)
    Peanuts / Salt Sticks / Chips
  • 65:-/st (58:-)
    Fried Marcona Almonds / Marinated Olives


  • Osetra caviar

    Soured cream – Smoked egg yolk – Pickled onion

  • Lobster

    Swedish cheese - Dill - Lemon

  • Foie Gras

    Sauternes - Hazelnut

  • 110:-/st (98:-)
    Charred beef tartare

    Shiitake – Truffle – Parmesan

  • Skagen

    Caviar – dill – Lemon

  • Grilled Avocado

    Vendace Roe – Silver Onion – Chives

  • Rainbow trout

    Lemon – Smoked trout roe – Dill

  • Smoked reindeer

    Horseradish - Watercress - Charred onion

  • 85:-/p (76:-)

    Parmesan – Hazelnut

Januari - Februari

  • 865:- (772:-)
    Meny 1.

    Kryddgravad & eldad regnbåge
    Enrisrökt Regnbågsrom - Pepparrotsskum - Kålrotsblommor - Grönt äpple - Vasslekokt potatis - Riven äggula

    Anka från Selectos de Castilla
    Stekt bröst - Mousseline av låret - Brynt smörbakad rödbeta - Crème på saltbakade rödbetor - Urfapeppar - Eldad lök - Shiso - Grillad anksky

    Körsbärssorbet - Sockerstekta Valenciamandlar - Amarettocrème - Inlagda körsbär

  • 865:- (772:-)
    Meny 2.

    Tartar på sotad & lättrökt hjort
    Rostad svampcrème - Schalottenlök - Shiitake - Gröna enbär - Svartrot - Lingon

    Rimmad & bakad torskrygg
    Crème på lantäggula & vit soja - Råräkor - Forellrom - Purpurkål - Krispig lök - Gräslökssmörsås

    Nypon & Havtorn
    Havtornssorbet - Vanilj -& tonkabönscrème - Vit choklad -& limeterrine - Mandelbiskvier – Nyponsoppa

  • 865:- (772:-)
    Meny 3.

    Glasbakad kammussla
    Grillad kokosgrädde - Lime - Asiatisk basilika - Goakrasse - Shiso - Ponzupärlor - Plommonsesam - Grön chili

    Sotad & glaserad Ibericorygg
    Tjärsirap - Vinteräpple - Kastanj- & hasselnötsmör - Tryffel - Jordärtskocka - Rosettkål - Oxsvanssky

    Vit chokladcrèmeux - Grön Sichuan - Fänkål - Citrussallad - Sirapsflarn – Lakritsskum

  • 865:- (772:-)
    Meny 4

    Vegetarisk meny med fokus på säsongens råvaror

  • 1465:- (1308:-)
    Meny 5.

    Glasbakad kammussla
    Ostron - Osetra-kaviar - Grönt äpple - Wasabi - Syrad grädde

    Råstekt hummer
    Röd & grön tomat - Libbsticka - Rökt mandel

    Kalvbräss - Vintertryffel - Odlad svamp - Smörad svampbuljong

    Anklever - Pistage - Aprikos - Savoykål -Madeirasky

    Eton mess
    Blodapelsin - Yuzu - Lime - Maräng - Grön Sichuan

  • 145:- (129:-)
    Lägg till en ostservering mellan varmrätt och dessert

    Smörstekt brioche med ostcrème
    riven gruyère, lagrad balsamico, färsk tryffel och stekt mandel


    Tre sorters ost efter säsong
    25 gr./st. serveras med Sjöfartshusets marmelad, syrat smör samt körsbär- och valnötsbröd

Business Lunch

Brighten your day here at Sjöfartshuset by booking a business lunch.
We offer a cozy and relaxed environment in historical dining rooms. The business lunch is served in Neptunisalen on the fourth floor. If you prefer to sit separately in a chambre separee and perhaps have a private meeting during lunch, that can of course be arranged.

(The business lunch is booked for a minimum of 6 people and must be booked 3 days in advance).
Below you can see examples of menus, however, we write menus close to your visit to offer you the best possible ingredients when they are at their finest.


2 courses: 402:-/person excluding VAT

  • Glass-baked & lightly smoked scallop

    with cress cream, blue mussels, lemon vinaigrette, poached white asparagus, and herbs

  • Roasted veal entrecote

    with Sauce Bearnaise, Espelette pepper, fried fresh corn, ember-baked leek, and tomato


3 courses: 518:-/person excluding VAT

  • Small veal steak tartare

    with dill crème 'aigre doux', onion ash, variation of carrot, and fried silver onions

  • Poached & boiled cod loin

    with browned butter, poached free-range egg, horseradish, pickled mustard seeds, and marinated flat-leaf parsley

  • Chocolate & white nougat terrine

    with punch pannacotta, raspberry sorbet, and chocolate soil

Late-night snacks


Prices are excluding VAT in parentheses.

  • 110:- (98:-)
    Small beef tartare flavored

    with capers, dijon mustard, shallots, and sliced ​​beetroot on rye bread

  • 85:- (76:-)

    topped with whipped crème fraiche and bleak roe on pumpernickel

  • 85:- (76:-)
    Fried Merguez sausages

    with bread, fried shallots, and homemade mustard

  • 85:- (76:-)
    Janssons temptation

    with sourdough crispbread and cheese

  • 85:- (76:-)
    Pytt i panna

    with fried egg and pickled beets

  • 65:- (52:-)
    Boiled Vienna Sausage

    with bread, fried onions, Sjöfartshuset's mustard and ketchup


Vi samarbetar med ett flertal engagerade vinhandlare när vi köper in vår dryck.
Vi rekommenderar gärna dryck till er och finns det speciella önskemål försöker vi tillgodose dessa i den mån det är möjligt.
Vi har alkoholtillstånd så det är inte möjligt att ta med egen dryck.

Champagne från 165:-/glas (132:-)
Mousserande vin från 120:-/glas (96:-)

Vitt vin / Rött vin från 550:-/fl. (440:-)

Öl II, 50cl. Mariestad 3,5%, 75:-/ fl. (60:-)
Öl III, 33cl. div. sorter, från 75:-/fl. (60:-)
Lager från 75:-/fl. (60:-)
IPA från 80:-/fl. (64:-)

Läsk, mineralvatten, lättöl 33cl.
40:-/fl. (36:-)

Richard Juhlin mousserande 120:-/gl (107:-)
Johannes Leitz Ein Zwei Zero Riesling 475:-/fl. (424:-)
Div. alkoholfri dryck öl, must, juice, ginger beer etc. från 60:- (54:-)

från 112:-/4cl (90:-)

Div. sorter från 112:-/4cl. (90:-)

*inom parentes anger pris exkl. moms.

Drinks and Snacks

Prices are excluding VAT.

Snacks & Finger food

  • 110:-/st (98:-)
    Eastern caviar

    Soured cream – Smoked egg yolk – Pickled onion

  • 110:-/st (98:-)

    Swedish cheese - Dill - Lemon

  • 110:-/st (98:-)
    Foie gras

    Sauternes – Hazelnut

  • 110:-/st (98:-)
    Charred beef tartar

    Shiitake – Truffle – Parmesan

  • 85:-/st (76:-)

    Vendace roe - Dill - Lemon

  • 85:-/st (76:-)
    Grilled avocado

    Whitefish roe - Silver onion - Chives

  • 85:-/st (76:-)
    Rainbow trout

    Lemon - Smoked trout roe - Dill

  • 85:-/st (76:-)
    Smoked reindeer

    Horseradish – Watercress – Charred onion

  • 85:-/st (76:-)

    Parmesan – Hazelnut

  • 35:-/p (31:-)
    Peanuts / Salt sticks / Chips
  • 65:-/st (58:-)
    Fried Marcona Almonds / Marinated Olives